BlueTech Research Company Snapshot
AquiSense Technologies  (Acquired by Nikkiso ) thumbnail

AquiSense Technologies (Acquired by Nikkiso )


Technology Offering

PearlAqua UVC-LED Disinfection Systems

What is it?

AquiSense offers UV-C LED for water, air and surface disinfection. The PearlAqua product line includes three products the PearlAqua Micro, PearlAqua, and PearlAqua Deca. The PearlAqua Micro is designed to supply OEMs and, treating up to 8 LPM of water. PearlAqua is customizable, with flowrates up to 12 LPM (with the next generation model enabling a flowrate of 20 LPM). The PearlAqua Deca is designed for Point-of-Entry systems, treating up to 50 LPM of water in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. The company also provides UV LED products for research and municipal applications.



Year Founded



30 to 100

Technology Business Model

Equipment / Product Sales

Company Ownership

Part of Larger Group

Company Investment Stage

Early Commercial

Revenue Stage

Revenue Positive


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