BlueTech Research Company Snapshot
BCR Environmental thumbnail

BCR Environmental

Technology Offering

The Neutralizer

What is it?

The Neutralizer uses a series of six physical/chemical processes to treat biosolids to Class AA/EQ Standards in less than 8 hours. 1. Waste activated sludge (WAS) is thickened using disk thickeners and a polymer to a concentration of 4 percent. 2. Sludge is pumped to a skid where it is injected with chlorine dioxide created by combining sodium chlorite and sulfuric acid through a highly controlled, patented process. 3. Sludge is moved to process tanks where it is allowed 1-hour contact time with the chlorine dioxide. Sulfuric acid is added to make the mixture more acidic. 4. Sodium nitrite is added to the process tank. The low pH and high ORP converts the sodium nitrite to nitrous acid. The WAS then has contact time of 6 hours with the nitrous acid. Sodium hydroxide is added to bring the pH to the desired level. 5. Ferric sulphate is added to the disinfected sludge. The iron in the chemical binds to the phosphorous, drawing it out of the water in the sludge. 6. Sludge is dewatered using a centrifuge, rotary screw press, or a belt filter press. The final product is a Class A biosolids material with an earthy smell that can be registered as a commercial grade fertilizer.



Year Founded



5 to 30

Technology Business Model

Equipment / Product Sales

Company Ownership


Company Investment Stage

Fully Commercial

Revenue Stage

Revenue Positive


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